Village Work

I am all about building our village, as we cannot do this thing called life alone. One of the indicators of resilience is having a good support network. For instance, I know that new parents can be quite isolated from getting support in those first early weeks. But as studies show, postpartum care needs to include a holistic community-based approach to ensure that depression or further mental health concerns do not escalate. This is also true for anyone who is in a new phase of life, healing from a trauma, experiencing grief, or is feeling depressed or lonely. The experience of the global pandemic has highlighted our need for community even more.

Come join us…

Moontide Services – Ritual and Ceremony Offerings
I have been in and held circles in my personal life for years, as a way of honouring my Spiritual Self. I am over the moon to offer circles that are curated for you, as a way of bearing witness to your pivotal transition in your life. This practice is an intentional gathering to honour a rite of passage you are embarking on: It can be when you are about to have a baby, to celebrate a completion of school or a career change, or a way to hold space for losing a loved one or to honour the ending of a relationship. I also specialize in offering ceremony to honour the beginning of menstruation or the initiation that comes with menopause. Circles are meant to be shared with loved ones and follow a flow that is gentle and intentional, and steeped in ritual. It is a sacred type of a party. I shared more about my own Baby Moon Circle in 2012 HERE. If you want to learn more about this offering, go to THIS LINK or contact me. Please note, this is outside of my psychotherapy scope.

Seed and Snake Seasonal Self-Discovery Circles
Go HERE to find out more about this gathering, that starts this Fall!

I’m so excited to offer groups again. We need to build that village we speak of – here is my way to do it! Head over to this page to learn more about upcoming MotherCircle offerings.

Perinatal Wellbeing Ontario Free Therapy Program
Register for this FREE online webinar series HERE i guide you through 4 different expressive arts therapy tools to help with birth trauma processing, anxiety, negative and/or racing thoughts, and having a mindful moment to yourself as a parent.

*Rites of Passage in Modern Parenting: Embracing the High School Transition – Parenting Teens with Annie and Simona
*Becoming the Crone – Perimenopology Podcast
*How Relational Trauma can Impact the Perinatal Period – Perinatal Wellbeing: The Podcast
*Embodying Joy after Trauma – Living a Better Life Podcast
*Turning Trauma into Triumph – Awaken Heal Transform Podcast

Slice Article on 10 Tips for Coping with Social Anxiety as we start re-entering the public world after the pandemic

Wildwood Journal
Through the Veil to Motherhood – practicing postpartum resistance(Fall 2019)
Self-Compassion Nature Anchors (July 2019)
The 3 R’s of Self-Care: Planting Seeds of Self-Love (May 2019)

We Love Mom Bods and You Should Too – Today’s Parent article May/June 2019: I’m featured in this powerful article by Olivia Stren about accepting our postpartum bodies.

Why Date Night is an Important Part of Postpartum Mental Health – Come read the guest blog post about it on Date Night App page.

Extra-Curricular Activities for Kids: Yea or Nay? – I’m featured in this helfpul article on Mothering Magazine.

I love being a part of new parent groups and circles. Here are a few i have attended over the years.

Healing Your Mother Wound
I talk a lot about the Mother Wound here, and support people with their own healing journey on it. Just in time for Mother’s Day, i co-facilitated this virtual, live workshop with Katelyn of 7C Salts. We shared a rich discussion, journal prompts, and somatic resources. Everyone also got access to a soothing playlist. You can still access the recording for $30. Find the details for the recording HERE.

Oaks and Acorns: Various guest visits to this amazing group – Participants discussed the reality of motherhood as not quite the same as we expected. It can help us talk about this and see that we’re not alone. Adjusting to the Fourth Trimester take some time. As February was the “month of love” I joined the group and we did a self-love based expressive arts tool. Who says watercolour painting is just for kids??!

Maternal Goddess Conference: This was a fantastic day, where the focus is on celebrating and embracing our postpartum bodies. I was part of a panel discussion on creating a more positive Mindset and Acceptance of our bodies.

At Tokki, i spoke about one of my favourite topics – how to build your postpartum wellness toolkit! We brainstormed on how to add more self-care to your life, and how to get the balance you deserve.

Ontario Early Years Centre – Self-Care Ideas for Postpartum Period

Nutmeg Moms Group – Building Your Postpartum Wellness Toolkit

4 Trimesters is a conference that focuses on the 4 trimesters we go through when we are thinking of and becoming pregnant, and the first few months postpartum. In Fall 2017, I spoke about How We Process Our Birth Stories. Check out this link to get more info!

My Facebook Group: Building Our Resilience Toolkit Group – come join this group that i facilitate, where we share resources, articles and support each other. I created it at the start of the pandemic and it has become such a warm and generous group.

Building Your Resilience Toy Box Community Newsletter
If you would like to join my monthly Resilience Toolkit Community Newsletter, where i share resources, articles, tips and tools, please sign up here. I promise to not overwhelm your already busy life with more things to read. Each Full Moon, i share things that i have found useful and inspiring. Just click the link below: