My Butterfly Effect: Transforming Birth Trauma into How I Work
My butterfly effect is turning into a birth story healer after my own traumatic birth. I used to get this question all the time: “Why do you want to have such a niche? Isn’t it enough if the person who gave birth and the baby are okay?” It angers me to no end when folks say unintentionally hurtful things like “at least you are okay” when folks share that they had a traumatic birth. This…
My Body is My Home
This past year and a half, our physical health and wellbeing have been at the forefront of our minds. While our bodies host our health, they have not been our…
The Serpent and the Butterfly: Shedding the Skin that No Longer Serves
When i was contemplating my decision to have children many moons ago, i had to ask myself some hard questions. What kind of mother did i want to be? Did…
Highs and Lows of Healing in Real Time
This summer, i intentionally turned inward a lot and slowed down even more. This sacred pause has given me gifts of soft fascination: I have been in awe of the…
Love/Her: Reclaiming Myself as a Sexual Mother
“One of the most radical things you could ever do is to decide to really and truly get to know yourself“ Cleo Wade I recently watched the show, Sex/Life, for…
My Daughter is a Fawn
Last year, on one of my escapes from the city during the pandemic, i came across a baby deer. It was truly a magnificent sight. We locked eyes for several…
7 Days of Embodied Sensual Pleasure: Implementing a Pleasure Practice
I recently completed a course that I have been wanting to take for years. After being a student at University of Guelph for my undergrad, it had always been a…
Two Sides of the Same Coin: The Journey to Embracing Myself as a Sexual Mother
These past couple of years, i’ve been diving deeper in the parts of me that make me whole. It’s been a very intentional journey of getting to know what is…
My Embowered Birth: A Polyvagal-Informed Birth Story
After giving birth to my first child, i knew when it came time to birth my second, i wanted it to look different. It took a lot of inner work…