My Midlife Midwife Era: Weaving the Spiral Path
If you look at most therapist bios, be it on their Psychology Today profile or on an Instagram landing page, you’ll notice that we specialize in “life transitions.” What does that actually mean though? I know for me, it means helping people be able to feel grounded to some degree when inevitable change happens. It means holding space and being witnessed in this sea change. Since we are humans, we are constantly evolving, and change…
Being Kind to Myself
I spent some time updating my 28 Days of Self-Love Challenge Worksheet recently. In doing so, it gave me time to pause and reflect on what i do myself as…
The Family Road Trip Rite of Passage
I recently went on a road trip with my family. Growing up, i went on the same drive to Florida about twice a year, year in and year out. I…
Getting in the Holiday Spirit by Setting New Intentions
The holidays is an especially good time to start a mindful practice for yourself and/or your family. It can be hard to start new traditions, especially as we are adult…
New Moon Self-Care Series – Inner Child Letter
This month brings darkness mixed with celebration. It then doesn’t come as a surprise that this feelings get internalized in us. It’s a perfect time to turn inward intentionally and…
New Moon Self-Care Series – Sea Change Salts
In November, the New Moon falls on November 7, a week after All Hallows Eve and a few days before Martinmas. This month, the New Moon is in Scorpio, which…
Listening to Yourself
I recently had to put the brakes on a planned weekend away with my family. And i mean literally. I’ve been working on trusting my intuition (or my gut instinct…
New Moon Series of Self-Care
I can’t believe it’s been over two months since my last post. Clearly life has gotten in the way of blog writing. Now that the Fall season is in full…
The 3 R’s of Self-Care
Not to be confused with the 3 Rs of recycling, which are obviously so important too, but this rule is about how to reclaim (is that another R?) a self-care…