My Inner Dragon is Growing Up: Learning How to Not Abandon Myself
Recently, i was involved in a small conflict with someone at work. As a sole entrepreneur, this doesn’t happen a lot these days. In fact, this doesn’t happen in my life in general. It highlighted for me that even though i may be a therapist who specializes in healthy relationships, boundary work, and communication skills, i am also a work-in-progress. I am not exempt from conflict or making a mistake. This incident was medicine for…
Holding Space for Your Loss
Today is October 15. Besides being a windy, cool Fall day here in Toronto, it also marks a global day of remembrance for those families that have lost babies either…
Self-Care Rituals
As World Mental Health Day (October 10) is today, and Pregnancy and Infant Loss Day (October 15) is approaching later this week, i wanted to share with you a tool…
All the Feelings – Part Two: Overwhelmed and Overworked
The kids are back to school, and now our routine is back to usual. It made me think of all the things i do as parent, both what i expect…
How to Hold On to Summer
The summer break is about to end. While here in Toronto it was a bit of an anti-summer weather wise, i’m sad to see it go. We filled it with…
My Camping Village
I grew up camping with my family when a kid myself. To be honest, i don’t remember a lot of memories, but i do recall the campgrounds, my beach hair,…
Expectation vs Reality: The Anniversary Edition
This weekend was a special anniversary for me. I’ve been with my partner for 17 years. Call me sentimental but i like to honour that. So, when our favourite summer…
All the Feelings- Part One: Mom Rage
I never thought I’d be this angry. Or this often. Who knew that things like – My daughter not wanting to wear underwear under her dress – My son refusing…
My Birth Story: Birth of a Mama
My eldest child was born 8 years ago this week. Looking back on the birth, i credit the experience i had personally with what motivated me to do the work…