How to get Ready for the Fall: Stepping into Being a High School Mom

How to get Ready for the Fall: Stepping into Being a High School Mom

Sep 27, 20237 min read

September is the second January, a time for new beginnings, and also the ending of things. One has to go with the other; one in fact necessitates the other. As Jessie Harrold puts it, “while you are becoming, you are also unbecoming.” This is the dance with grief, and not being afraid to notice it in the corners of your inner dance floor. It can be as simple as the new season meaning the end…

A Day to Recognize

May 3, 20172 min read

Today marks World Maternal Mental Health Day. It’s part of Mental Health Week that is honoured here in Canada. I wanted to take a moment to honour and play tribute…

The Resilient Butterfly

Apr 24, 20173 min read

“Perhaps the butterfly is proof that you can go through a great deal of darkness and still become something beautiful” I’m not sure who the source to that quote is…

Spring is in the Air – Baby Blessings

Mar 28, 20172 min read

I walked by 2 robins this morning on my way to work. And it seems like it was overnight that crocuses (is that the plural form?) started to sprout out…

I am NOT Your Servant

Mar 2, 20173 min read

I’m going to share something with you that feels a bit vulnerable. As a therapist and someone who helps others keep their shit together, I want to be authentic that…

Live What You Love

Feb 14, 20171 min read

While at my local dollar store to get goodies for the kids’ Valentine’s Day crafts,i walked by this lovely painting. It really spoke to me. On this day of love,…

Acts of Self-Love

Feb 2, 20173 min read

It’s February already. The month of L O V E. I like to call it the month of self-love, so I appreciate the movement that is going around to acknowledge…

We Marched

Jan 23, 20173 min read

This Saturday, we joined the masses in the Women’s March. I definitely didn’t want to miss it and my daughter was happy to attend as she has learned already (at…

The Art of Living

Jan 6, 20172 min read

Happy New Year! I hope you had a restful holiday season and took some time to yourself. I know how hard that can be, so i don’t take my saying…