The Connection of Self-Compassion and Trauma Healing – Look for the Parallels

The Connection of Self-Compassion and Trauma Healing – Look for the Parallels

Mar 30, 20238 min read

I like finding patterns in things. I think i much prefer knitting a simple pattern to a complicated puzzle. I like collecting the same shells at a time, and all my flowers need to planted just so. I need patterns – the consistency, the ease, and the fulfilled expectation. I don’t think it’s because i need order, or that it’s a trauma response. I think it’s more that my body finds pleasure and peace in…

Music for My Heart

Nov 7, 20163 min read

Music is definitely a support to me. From my teen years, to low times in university, and now as a mom to young kids, music gets me through the witching…

Who Do You Want to be When You Grow Up?

Nov 1, 20163 min read

Yesterday was a favourite day at our house. We celebrate All Hallow’s Eve (aka Halloween). Not because of the candy (but that is a lovely bonus), but rather because we…

I Want to be My Children’s Compass Point

Oct 18, 20163 min read

I was listening to a CBC segment a few weeks ago, with a writer who shared her philosophy on this whole ‘parenting’ movement. While she too wrote a book about…

Giving Thanks

Oct 7, 20163 min read

This weekend is about being thankful, about taking a moment to take notice of the things you are grateful for. It can be hard to acknowledge these things as most…

Everything is Better Outside

Sep 28, 20163 min read

We went camping recently with our little ones. We like to do it once annually and haven’t yet gone this summer. I’m a fan of camping and being outdoors, but…


Sep 6, 20163 min read

As today begins a new school year, summer break is officially over. This is a time for a big shift in routine, rhythm, and real life. While most of us…

Our Positive Moments

Jul 29, 20163 min read

I ran into a friend of mine recently and she told me that she’s had a hard year. My heart wanted to give her the deepest hug, while another part…

Nurturing You

Jul 14, 20163 min read

I was having a conversation with a colleague recently about the term ‘self-care.’ We both noticed that it is used quite often and in abandon, but maybe some of us…