Seeing Ourselves on TV: A Trauma Therapist’s Guide to Good TV Shows as Healing Medicine
As a trauma therapist who specializes in helping heal unhealthy relationship dynamics and recognize relationship red flags, i am always rooting for love. Displays of healthy love are inspiration for us all. This is especially important to model for younger generations who have grown up with social media at their fingertips. Like many of us, I have been watching the evolution of Taylor Swift. It’s hard not to – whenever i hop onto social media,…
Acts of Self-Love
It’s February already. The month of L O V E. I like to call it the month of self-love, so I appreciate the movement that is going around to acknowledge…
We Marched
This Saturday, we joined the masses in the Women’s March. I definitely didn’t want to miss it and my daughter was happy to attend as she has learned already (at…
The Art of Living
Happy New Year! I hope you had a restful holiday season and took some time to yourself. I know how hard that can be, so i don’t take my saying…
Expectations Versus Reality: The Sugar Plum Fairy Didn’t Make the Cut
The month of December is a whirlwind of busy-ness – holiday parties, things to make, presents to buy, school concerts, and more. It also marks my birthday on top of…
How to Bring Joy Along for the Ride
We’re in the midst of the holiday season right now. Our home is decorated, we’ve already watched seasonal movie classics, our holiday records are on the ready, and we have…
Dates to Remember
Timing means a lot to me. I know not everything happens for a reason, but i can appreciate when some things happen just when i’m ready to open more. Strange…
Music for My Heart
Music is definitely a support to me. From my teen years, to low times in university, and now as a mom to young kids, music gets me through the witching…
Who Do You Want to be When You Grow Up?
Yesterday was a favourite day at our house. We celebrate All Hallow’s Eve (aka Halloween). Not because of the candy (but that is a lovely bonus), but rather because we…