My Magic as a Mother

My Magic as a Mother

May 23, 20249 min read

My children are not young school-agers anymore. With that comes new ways to care for them, as well as the balance of joys and problems that come with this developmental age. And yet, this is the stage of life that i know well – i studied human development and specifically adolescent psychology in my undergrad and was a youth shelter worker in the beginning period of my career. In fact, one of my favourite jobs…

A Year of Grace and Grief

A Year of Grace and Grief

Dec 20, 20229 min read

I had no idea at the start of the year just how much the word Grace was going to be the perfect word to hold me. Funny how that happens…

I’m a Feelings Wheel in Motion

I’m a Feelings Wheel in Motion

Nov 8, 20229 min read

I’ve been sitting with my feelings a lot these last few months. It’s been both a helpful exercise to catch me in my feeling as well as practice what i…

I am Not My Mother, My Daughter is Not Me

I am Not My Mother, My Daughter is Not Me

Oct 8, 202211 min read

“Until you make the unconscious conscious it will direct your life and you will call it fate” Carl Jung I like a good podcast to keep me company. I don’t…

I Have a Team in Me – just in time for a new school year

I Have a Team in Me – just in time for a new school year

Sep 7, 20228 min read

My kids are on the brink of starting a new school year. This has always been a bittersweet time for me – the mix of excitement of the year ahead…

How to Companion Someone who is Grieving

How to Companion Someone who is Grieving

Aug 10, 20226 min read

Birth, life, death….the 3 inevitable stages of life and yet the dying part is kept in the shadows of our collective experience. While we know it’s coming, we are so…

I am Now a Motherless Daughter: A Club i did not sign up for

I am Now a Motherless Daughter: A Club i did not sign up for

Jun 13, 20229 min read

My mom died recently. It’s beyond words to have such a loss happen. While a part of me knew that it would come eventually, none of us were prepared for…

The Ever-Changing Growth and Development of Children

The Ever-Changing Growth and Development of Children

May 14, 20225 min read

My daughter’s class is about to start their lesson on puberty at school. I know this because she told me and the teacher sent a heads up letter. So I…

Coming out of the Covid Cave

Coming out of the Covid Cave

Apr 16, 202211 min read

Now that it is April, it feels fitting to look at how this next season can help us move forward from these past two years. I love how the seasons…