My Magic as a Mother

My Magic as a Mother

May 23, 20249 min read

My children are not young school-agers anymore. With that comes new ways to care for them, as well as the balance of joys and problems that come with this developmental age. And yet, this is the stage of life that i know well – i studied human development and specifically adolescent psychology in my undergrad and was a youth shelter worker in the beginning period of my career. In fact, one of my favourite jobs…

A New Dawn, a New Year

Jan 8, 20204 min read

I’m not one for New Year’s Resolutions, but i do appreciate taking time to reflect, take stock, and work on my dreams. While i do a smaller version of this…

Trauma-Informed Care put into Practice

Dec 19, 20197 min read

A trauma-informed approach is defined as a strength-based program or system that realizes the widespread impact of trauma and understands potential paths for recovery, the signs and symptoms of trauma…

An Eternal Flame – How to Say Hello to Mom Burn-Out

Nov 28, 20197 min read

I’m a mom. I’m a feminist. I’m a therapist for women. I am a feminist mom wholeheartedly. And yet i am faced with that beautiful vulnerability of being flawed like…

How to Have a Dialogue with Your Inner Critic

Oct 4, 20198 min read

Have your ever noticed what you say to yourself after doing something wrong? Is it mean or extra critical? Is it offering advice without you asking for it? I don’t…

Resilience after the Punch

Sep 24, 20193 min read

My youngest was hurt by another student recently. She was holding the door open and he sucker punched her. Because she said No to him. He had overheard her talking…

Let That Good Feeling Linger

Aug 27, 20194 min read

Sunflowers are my absolute favourite flower – they are strong yet fragile, bend to the sun, and keep facing upwards. I also love their cheery colour and reminder of hot…

How to Live a Balanced Life

Aug 20, 20193 min read

It’s butterfly season right now, and this summer brings a happy supply of them where i live. As they are an anchor for me, I’ve been working on creating a…

The Makings of a Good Therapist

Jul 31, 20196 min read

I love what I do. It may sound strange to think that I enjoy listening to people share their hard feelings, but what I also see is their healing process…